Pterodactyl Panel is a popular open-source game server management panel that allows you to easily manage and control game servers. Here's a general guide on how to install the Pterodactyl Panel:
A server or virtual private server (VPS) running a compatible Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04)
Minimum of 2GB RAM (4GB or more is recommended)
A valid domain name (optional but recommended)
Set up a server:
Start by setting up a server or VPS with your preferred Linux distribution. Make sure it meets the minimum requirements mentioned above.
Install the necessary dependencies:
Connect to your server via SSH.
Update the system packages: sudo apt update
Install required dependencies: sudo apt install curl tar unzip git zip sqlite3 libcap2-bin dnsutils
Create a user and set permissions:
Create a new system user: sudo useradd -d /home/pterodactyl -m -s /bin/bash pterodactyl
Set a password for the user: sudo passwd pterodactyl
Grant necessary permissions: sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/bin/node
Install Node.js:
Download the Node.js setup script: curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
Install Node.js: sudo apt install -y nodejs
Install Yarn package manager:
Fetch the Yarn package manager installation script: curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -
Add the Yarn repository: echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
Update packages and install Yarn: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y yarn
Download the Pterodactyl Panel:
Switch to the Pterodactyl user: sudo su - pterodactyl
Fetch the panel installation script: curl -Lo panel.tar.gz
Extract the files: tar -xzvf panel.tar.gz && chmod +x ./wings
Install the panel dependencies: npm install --production
Configure the panel:
Copy the example configuration file: cp .env.example .env
Edit the configuration file: nano .env
Set your desired APP_URL (e.g.,
Configure the database connection details (e.g., MySQL or SQLite)
Save and exit the editor (Ctrl+X, Y, Enter)
Set up the panel:
Generate an application key: php artisan key:generate --force
Run the panel installer: php artisan p:environment:setup
Choose "Yes" when prompted to install the database tables.
Choose "Yes" when asked to create a user account.
Provide the requested user details.
Choose "No" when asked to install demo servers (unless you want them).
Complete the installation: php artisan p:install
Set permissions for the storage directory: chmod -R 755 storage/*
Set up a web server:
Configure a web server like Apache or Nginx to serve the panel. The specific steps