Today we're introducing two new parameters to /v1/server/create
to enable usage of SSH Keys in all regions and to include a installation script by simply including a link to where a script is hosted. I.e Github, Gitlab or your own server if you prefer that. More details can be found in API documentation:
SSH Keys
: First thing to do is to add a public SSH Key to the system and copy it's ID (or UUID) (/docs/#operation/AddSshKey). Then set this parameter to the ID (or UUID), and that's all. This will grant access to images that doesn't support password authentication such as CoreOS or FreeBSD on Second generation plans.
Installation scripts
: Expects a valid URL with response code 200
and Content-Type: text/plain
. This feature is currently only available on first generation plans. The downloaded script will execute as: /bin/bash (Linux), /bin/sh (FreeBSD), or cmd.exe (Windows).
: (Legacy) Cloud init config file, used where startup scripts isn't supported.