You can already try it out here:

- Built with HTML5 and jQuery and works directly towards 99Stack API, includes links to documentation
- Improved support for mobile devices and bigger monitors
- Improved overview of resources, billing, account info and much more
- Improved performance by using optimized API calls and doing rendering work client side
- Added support for SSH Keys, making it possible to deploy second generation servers graphically
- Added support for API token management
- Added easier to overview transaction list and billing info
- Added live updating info in servers and snapshot lists
What happens to existing servers and other resources?
No existing resources will be affected by this release, some information may display incorrectly in the old panel however during the upcoming days, while other parts of the old panel will be disabled once they stop working due to changes required for the new panel.
When will the new panel be officially released?
Sometime during Q4 2019, we'd prefer to roll it out slowly while testing to make sure that everything works and nothing breaks. No date is decided yet. However, parts of the old panel will be disabled one by one until it's completely gone and only the new panel exist.
Is it safe to use the old panel despite all the warnings and recommendations to switch to the new panel?
Yes. However, things will break and be removed from the old panel so there's not really a point in doing so. All your existing work is already available at the new panel.
I found a bug, what to do?
Please report any bugs or issues in the new panel to support(a), we'd be happy to fix them ASAP.
I want to suggest a new feature, how do I do that?
Please reply to this message, we're interested in any suggestion that would help improve the panel.