Hi there again! I am wondering if any of you who lives in the US or what not have ideas on what I could turn to? Which I could possibly do within weeks if the ongoing Pandemic permits?
Over "conventional" apartments that I can't afford (they are ramping up in pricing and a one bed/studio can be $700 or easily hundreds more around here) as well as typical roommating means (since I lack any sort of friends and/or communities to do this in and safely).
For instance are there like facilities that functions like dorns, homeless shelters and such that are obviously afforded with privacy, upscaled servicing and so forth for my price range? Kinda like how you can "rent" a space for your belongings in self storage and they do the rest for you?
Please do let me know if all possible and thanks in advance.
This is in response because I am feeling like my mom is preventing, "throttling" or otherwise indecisive about decisions that I feels like may impact long term living if not survival or thrival needs.
Such as denying to wish to run the ventilation system 24x7 through our allegention grade HVAC filter (cat is really anxious around my DIY filter assembly cause of the fan's noise in the same room, even on reduced speed settings).
As well as uping our security measures (even though she said it herself she wants to, but don't wanna bother going to the hardware store, doing it and so forth).
Additionally to plan and implementing long term feeding of one of my kitties (by equipping with live trapping gears, using them once a week to "prime" her and so forth) for her survival and thrival should civilization and/or the economy "loses all power".