A section for discussions about issues, temporary workarounds and suggestions for solutions. Do not post actual exploits or vulnerabilities, no matter of seriousness on this page, if you ever manage to find a vulnerability or exploit please contact support ASAP so that we can verify, resolve and eventually pay out a bounty reward.
Example topics:
- Feature A doesn't work, but it's available in the API, here's how it works
- Feature A doesn't work, but B and C does the same thing, here's how it can be done
- I try to use feature A but sometimes/every time this error pops up, what to do?
- Found this problem, here's a solution that works
Rules for this section
Describe issues as detailed as possible, censor personal information from your posts, don't post a workaround unless you're fully sure it works and never reply with a useless quote like "Nevermind I fixed it" without mentioning how you did.