Let's start 2022 with a brand new control panel, featuring almost everything available in 99Stack API. New local endpoints, a portal to manage your tickets, block storage, object storage, custom ISO, virtual private cloud and more.

Just like the API, the most significant improvement is under the hood, where modularity in combination with the most recent technology for optimized and responsive front end has been put to use. New features added to the API in the future will quickly be made available in the graphical dashboard as well.
This page will list all your snapshots and backups, while also allowing you to restore them to any server within the same generation or data center, depending on availability.
Here you can manage floating point IP's, currently for G1 and G2 servers, IPv4 and IPv6, create, attach and detach. Click on the cog to view the full API json response and see all the data for each ip address object
Virtual private cloud
A feature deeply hidden in the API, but essential for security. Now you can easily create and assign VPC's to your servers within the same data center to take advantage of the next level of private networking.
Block storage
Create and attach additional storage to your instances with hot swap, drives can be between 10GB and up to 16TB in size.
Object storage
Finally, optimized object storage instances powered by Min.io with S3 compatible api, allocate resources then create and manage buckets, keys and everything else you might need.
Custom ISO
A new interface that allows you to upload your own virtual disks or ISO's to use within 99Stack Cloud.
These pages are as they used to be with small graphical improvements, you'll recognize them. 🙂
Edit profile
In the top right corner you'll find direct links to our knowledge base, alerts, full screen and a profile side bar with log out link (use this to clean your session on public computers), direct link to support tickets and a page where you can edit your profile, such as name, password and email. This sidebar also shows notification history.
If something appear to not be working, try first to refresh the page and clear cache with CTRL + F5
. If that doesn't work, please press F12, head over to Console
and let us know in a support ticket or by email what errors you see.
Improved email privacy
As we had to switch email provider we've choose to head over to Tutanota as our primary email provider. This means, if you have Tutanota too, or any provider that supports encrypted emails you can now send us encrypted emails for improved privacy and security. However, we do recommend using the links found in dashboard and on our contact page to access our support ticketing system directly, this allows you to create and manage your tickets without involving email at all, which provides even better privacy and security.