This "tutorial" is more for myself as I always find it annoyingly hard to get awscli up and running on various distros, with third party object storage support. Especially in these times when there's two versions, anyway, to install on Debian/Ubuntu, start with installing the client, v1
sudo apt install python3-pip awscli
This also installs python3-pip, which allows the plugin extension. Once done, install the plugin extension using pip3 as below.
sudo pip3 install awscli-plugin-endpoint
Then setup ~/.aws/credentials
And finally setup ~/.aws/config
endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint
#cli_legacy_plugin_path = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages
[profile default]
region = <region>
s3 =
endpoint_url = <url>
signature_version = s3v4
max_concurrent_requests = 100
max_queue_size = 1000
multipart_threshold = 50MB
multipart_chunksize = 10MB
s3api =
endpoint_url = <url>
Use cli_legacy_plugin_path
when awscli v2 is available and supports the plugin properly on your system.