Pepe_The_Frog Got my first server up and running and realized IPv6 is available on them all, so why not take advantage of that. I noticed that Nginx seems to support both IPv4 and IPv6 by default, most examples also show dual stack configs. But with haproxy in front, how can I support IPv6 too?
AndrewLowrance I remember it was a bit tricky to find that information, but you have to use tripple colon for IPv6, and then basically have a dual stack, just like in nginx. Try something like this: bind bind :::80 First row is for IPv4, second one for IPv6.
Orson_Deforest It's not really what you'd expect, those three colons, but yea, that's the right way to do it.
Marco_Weiss Magnus_Lind It should do in haproxy, but for most applications you'll have a separate line for each interface.
Pepe_The_Frog Thanks, lol it's been a while but I got it working using @AndrewLowrance solution. Thanks man 👍️